the stroop

The Stroop blog discusses new ideas in retail, Internet, and e-commerce technologies. We offer a future perspective on how the retail industry will be shaped based on emerging and potentially disruptive technologies.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Going Out Is Social, Why Shouldn't Local Discovery Be? | The Hoppit Perspective

Choosing a place is very social. Think about it. You decide where to go with other people. You desire to read reviews from people like you. And, you want to go to places that can be enjoyed by the entire group.

But social place searching is hard to do, and the existing players in the market struggle to be social.

For example, let’s pick on Yelp. Yelp struggles to be social because it is impossible to run a search query that accounts for the preferences of multiple users, even though we rarely eat or drink alone. Yelp also struggles to instill trust in its review system because users don’t know the taste of the reviewers – and how can you trust a user that you don’t know?

The same goes with CitySearch, Ness, and Alfred. All these technologies are set up for individual restaurant searches. But every time I eat, it's with other folks.

At Hoppit, we believe that the future of place searching is social, and we designed Hoppit with that consumer psychology in mind. Hoppit is pioneering the concept of social place searching; our search engine and complex algorithms can take into account the taste of multiple users. We're striving to always have an answer to the question - "What should we do tonight?"

Next time your group is trying to decide where to go, check out Hoppit.

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